Kickstart mot 2030 - resirkulering

I 2022 startet vår partner, Norner, et tverrfaglig samarbeidsprosjekt hvor målet var at de 10 deltakende bedriftene skulle øke andelen resirkulert plast i sin produksjon. Et tverrfaglig samarbeidsprosjekt var motiverende. De fant stor motivasjon i å utvikle et tverrfaglig samarbeidsprosjekt der de kunne hjelpe hverandre med å utvikle sirkulære løsninger.

We can help each other to increase circularity

By Heidi Bryntesen at Norner

Norner is a shareholder in Future Materials, the Norwegian Catapult Centre, and applied for a grant from the foundation "Stiftelsen Teknologiformidling", for the project "Kickstart towards 2030 – recycled plastics". The purpose of the project is to increase the reuse of plastics that are recycled in Norway.

Through increased knowledge of materials and testing, the companies will increase the proportion of recycled plastic in their production. Each participating company received support from Norner according to the value of NOK 150,000 and had to provide a corresponding in-kind effort.

In November 2022 we gathered all participants to a kick-off meeting at Norner, where all companies present- ed their targets.

As part of the program, we took them around in the pilot facilities to see all our pilot machines and analysis instruments and gave introductory presentations on "EU requirements and targets" and "Sorting

  • washing - additives - odour removal
  • processing of used plastic".

Each company had a contact person in Norner with whom they worked closely. During the first month, a schedule of how to work and achieve the goal was made.

In the end, a final meeting was held where all companies presented very good outcomes of their cases and gave feedback on the collaboration with Norner.

The participants in the program have reported that the result of the project not only gave increased use of recycled material but that the company also has gained more focus on sustain- ability in general and what it means for them. The project has given them the expertise required to make progress towards the EU's climate goals for 2030. All the companies that partic- ipated were very satisfied and all had achieved their goals and more

We found great motivation in developing a cross-industry collaborative project where we could help each other in developing circular solutions. - Heidi Bryntesen, Norner

About the companies involved

Stiftelsen Teknologiformidling has a purpose to increase productivity, value creation, and competitiveness for Norwegian business and contribution to small and medium-sized companies in successful transition to Industri 5.0.

The companies and status of their projects are:



Business: Rotational moulding

Target: Find suitable recycled material to be used in a roto moulding process, which was not yet commercially available. Rotagrosilo will now be produced in 100% recycled material.


Business: Injection moulding

Target: Implement a recycled polyamide. Through Norner`s connection we found suitable material. The first product has been produced and is sent to customers for evaluation.


Business: Injection moulding

Target: Implement recycled ABS in a pipe-in-pipe cabinet. Through Norners connections a sutiable material was found. Successful first trials have been done.


Business: Recycling of cables

Target: Find applications for the polymer, mainly PE, which is 50% of the cable. We have tested materials and mapped potential applications. Today the most promising solution is expanded insulation mats.


Business: Produce buoys and fenders

Target: Replace virgin with recycled material. A potential material has been fund in the same region, evaluated by Norner and the first buoy has been produced in 50% recycled material


Herde Kompositt 

Business: Composite lifeboats

Target: Recycling of PE hoses used in the vacuum moulding process. Hoses and flexible material will now be sent back to the producer for recycling and hoses produced of recycled material have been tested out with success

Hexagon Ragasco 

Business: Composite gas vessels

Target: Recycling of the casing, which until now has been burned. This material has been tested and shows good properties after use. This will now be recycled an use in pallet production.


Business: Filament and rope producer

Target: Use recycled rope back into the production. Several materials have been tested at Norner for evaluation of the material properties. 12 different recipes have been made and some fibres have been made in a pilot line.

Nordic Plastic Recycling with Pionerboar

Business: Sorting and recycling returned plastic

Target: Use high-quality recycled mateials in the production of new roto moulded Pioner boats. A different amount of recycled materials have been added to the virgin materia and the initialtesting shows promising results.


Business: Profile and pipe extrusion

Target: Produce hoses for Herde Kompositt with recycled material. This was successful and Indutriplast will now test recycled material in other applications with help from testing at Norner. 

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